In the midst of so many important conversations right now, political and otherwise, I am jonesing for some java. I've had to give up coffee and chocolate (it's a stomach thing). I'm finding that what I miss most about giving up coffee is the ritual. The smell of Stuart's coffee in the morning tugs at my longing. I can easily laugh about my coffee addiction, and as we say, it's a first world trauma, for real. We were out with friends the other night discussing the political climate right now. It seemed to be on everyone's lips in the restaurant. The air is charged, people are arguing, taking a stand, and it reminds me of The North going Zax and The South Going Zax in Dr. Suess's "The Sneetches". Two Sneetches digging in until an entire highway system gets built up around them and then what they started arguing about in the first place has no meaning. Remind you of the media? These arguments happen daily in life to lesser and greater degrees. Whether it's an inner struggle to give up sugar, something for lent or Passover, or some java, we all have to give up a little to make our democracy work. Geisel, Theodore, 1961. "The Sneetches," Random House, NY. |
visual junkie, artist, psychotherapist
January 2020
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21403 Chagrin Boulevard Suite 210 Beachwood, OH 44122 |